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bolshevism on trial造句

  • Furthermore, the novel was adapted into a film in 1919 . It was entitled " Bolshevism on Trial ".
  • The advertising for " Bolshevism on Trial " called it " the timeliest picture ever filmed " and reviews were good . " Powerful, well-knit with indubitably true and biting satire, " said " Photoplay ".
  • New York State Senator Clayton R . Lusk spoke at the film's New York premiere in October 1919 . Other films used one feature or another of radical philosophy as the key plot point : anarchist violence ( " The Burning Question " ), assassination and devotion to the red flag ( " The Volcano " ), utopian vision ( " Bolshevism on Trial " ).
  • It's difficult to see bolshevism on trial in a sentence. 用bolshevism on trial造句挺难的
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